Sun Ruizhe’s speech at the 2023 National “Two Sessions” Textile Industry Representatives Forum

Sun Ruizhe’s speech at the 2023 National “Two Sessions” Textile Industry Representatives Forum

Seeking development with one heart and one mind, striving to forge ahead and start a new journey Chairman of China Textile Industry Federation Sun Ruizhe March 3, 2023 The east win…

Go or stay? Illegal demolition and relocation of Guangzhou Zhongda Textile Business District: an industrial upgrading experiment involving more than 7,400 garment factories

Small electric donkeys and trucks come from all directions to unload and take away accessories and auxiliary materials, making the originally narrow road even more crowded; a crane…

Heavy!  The latest statement from the central bank: It’s about the exchange rate!  exchange rate!  interest rates etc.

Heavy! The latest statement from the central bank: It’s about the exchange rate! exchange rate! interest rates etc.

On March 3, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences with the theme of “Authoritative Departments Say the Start” to introduce “firm…

Zheng cotton breaks through and rises, domestic and overseas markets are stable and improving

Zheng cotton breaks through and rises, domestic and overseas markets are stable and improving

After experiencing low fluctuations in the past two weeks, Zheng cotton futures experienced a breakthrough increase this week, with a cumulative increase of 415 yuan/ton in a week,…

Makeover! move! Where will the 300,000 garment workers in Guangzhou’s urban villages go?

Small electric donkeys and trucks come from all directions to unload and take away accessories and auxiliary materials, making the originally narrow and narrow road even more crowd…

PTA is hard to beat due to oversupply and is still bearish in the short term.

PTA is hard to beat due to oversupply and is still bearish in the short term.

Previously, PTA prices showed V-shaped fluctuations. The main futures contract fell from around 5,800 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month to a low of 5,400 yuan/ton in the middl…

The WTO said “the situation is not that bad”! Will the slowdown in global trade growth persist?

The World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Wednesday (March 1) that although global merchandise trade growth slowed at the end of 2022 and may remain weak in the first quarter of t…


Indian cotton exports may be less than 500,000 tons in 2022/23

Indian cotton exports may be less than 500,000 tons in 2022/23

The latest report from the Indian Cotton Association shows that India’s cotton output in 2022/23 is 32.15 million bales (equivalent to 5.4655 million tons, a decrease of 900,…

Cotton prices are rising and falling like a “roller coaster”, where will the market outlook go?

Recently, the price of cotton has risen and fallen by a large margin, and the rhythm of switching between rise and fall is fast. Bullish and bearish prices may be “slapped&#8…

Orders decreased, textile and clothing exports fell 18.5% from January to February

Orders decreased, textile and clothing exports fell 18.5% from January to February

The General Administration of Customs of China announced national goods trade data from January to February 2023 on March 7. Affected by factors such as last year’s high base…
