New cotton is about to be launched in large quantities, and cotton prices are strong

New cotton is about to be launched in large quantities, and cotton prices are strong

From October 10 to 14, 2022, domestic cotton prices continued to rebound, rebounding from a low of 13,340 yuan/ton to a high of 13,955 yuan/ton. Under the background that the macro…

The trend has changed, and the short-term cotton market may enter consolidation

The trend has changed, and the short-term cotton market may enter consolidation

In the second week of October, ICE cotton futures first rose and then fell. The main December contract finally closed at 83.15 cents, down 1.08 cents from a week ago, and reached a…

The purchase price of seed cotton has risen steadily, with bulls and bears intertwined. Where will the market outlook for cotton go?

The purchase price of seed cotton has risen steadily, with bulls and bears intertwined. Where will the market outlook for cotton go?

“Today’s listed purchase price is 5.5 yuan/kg, which is 0.3 yuan/kg higher than the previous few days. The daily purchase volume has increased from about 300 tons to 1,…

Demand expectations are weak, international oil prices continue to fall

Demand expectations are weak, international oil prices continue to fall

After the National Day in China, crude oil futures prices began a wave of decline. Yang An, head of energy and chemical research at Haitong Futures, said that the recent decline in…

The long-short game intensifies, and seed cotton prices diverge

The long-short game intensifies, and seed cotton prices diverge

Recently, the progress of cotton picking in various places has been accelerated, but the acquisition progress is not good; lint cotton is waiting for price, and the purchase and sa…

“Paper” profits have shrunk significantly, and cotton yarn prices continue to fall.

“Paper” profits have shrunk significantly, and cotton yarn prices continue to fall.

According to feedback from cotton spinning mills in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong and other places, since the end of September, domestic cotton futures and spot prices have fluctuated u…

What effect does controlling raw cotton quality have on yarn production?

What effect does controlling raw cotton quality have on yarn production?

Based on multiple feedbacks and complaints from customers, and after analysis, the author concluded that customers responded that there were too many neps and dead cotton. Most of …


Polyester yarn is trapped in a vicious cycle again, the textile market is tepid, and the operating rate has dropped again…

Polyester yarn is trapped in a vicious cycle again, the textile market is tepid, and the operating rate has dropped again…

“Golden Nine and Silver Ten” has always been a saying in the textile industry, and its status is no worse than the “Little Indian Spring” from March to May.…

The energy crisis is devouring everything, and the European textile industry is in a nightmare…

The energy crisis is devouring everything, and the European textile industry is in a nightmare…

Since the beginning of this year, the unprecedented energy crisis has caused steel plants and aluminum smelters to close down in many places in Europe. Now, this wave of bankruptci…

Supported by crude oil market fluctuations, PTA decline slows

Supported by crude oil market fluctuations, PTA decline slows

01 The mid-term election is approaching, and oil prices may continue to fall. The Secretary-General of OPEC spoke this week that energy demand will increase significantly by 23%, f…
