Inventory: Three trends in the domestic imported cotton yarn market

Inventory: Three trends in the domestic imported cotton yarn market

According to feedback from cotton yarn trading companies in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, due to the negative effects of ICE cotton futures falling sharply again in th…

Zheng cotton stopped falling and rose with the support of 13,000 yuan/ton. What is the reason?

Zheng cotton stopped falling and rose with the support of 13,000 yuan/ton. What is the reason?

Since September 28, the main contract of Zheng cotton has oscillated and rebounded after hitting the lowest point of 13,195 yuan/ton since mid-October 2020. It once broke through t…

Notice!  A chemical giant issued an announcement on the shutdown of equipment for maintenance

Notice! A chemical giant issued an announcement on the shutdown of equipment for maintenance

On the evening of October 10, Wanhua Chemical issued an announcement on the suspension of production and maintenance of MDI and TDI devices in Yantai Industrial Park. The announcem…

Huge uncertainty hangs over the oil market, and OPEC+ production cuts may accelerate the decline in demand

Huge uncertainty hangs over the oil market, and OPEC+ production cuts may accelerate the decline in demand

Currently, the outlook for crude oil demand is cast a shadow. On October 12, local time, OPEC lowered its global oil demand growth forecast for this year and next in its monthly re…

Many customer orders have been cancelled, five major problems have plagued textile companies, and price transmission in the upstream and downstream markets is unfavorable!

Many customer orders have been cancelled, five major problems have plagued textile companies, and price transmission in the upstream and downstream markets is unfavorable!

Recently, stimulated by the increase in the price of upstream raw materials, especially the surge in crude oil futures, the polyester filament market has rebounded significantly, a…

Things are changing: Amid the energy crisis, the leading European underwear brand Florina has closed its factory, and more than 100,000 companies may also face bankruptcy

Things are changing: Amid the energy crisis, the leading European underwear brand Florina has closed its factory, and more than 100,000 companies may also face bankruptcy

After Russia cut off gas to Europe for 20 days, a large number of companies also paid their bills at the end of the month. Faced with such high energy and product prices, countless…

European lingerie group shuts down all production at Felina factory!  Raw material costs increased by 266%!  More than 100,000 companies in Europe may face bankruptcy!

European lingerie group shuts down all production at Felina factory! Raw material costs increased by 266%! More than 100,000 companies in Europe may face bankruptcy!

After Russia cut off gas to Europe for 20 days, a large number of companies also paid their bills at the end of the month. Faced with such high energy and product prices, countless…


In September 2022, the year-on-year increase in CPI has expanded, while the year-on-year increase in PPI has continued to fall.

In September 2022, the year-on-year increase in CPI has expanded, while the year-on-year increase in PPI has continued to fall.

The National Bureau of Statistics today released national CPI (Consumer Price Index) and PPI (Producer Price Index) data for September 2022. In this regard, Dong Lijuan, chief stat…

Nike can’t sell anymore?  The market value has evaporated by US$19 billion!  These five major trends in the domestic sportswear market are beginning to emerge…

Nike can’t sell anymore? The market value has evaporated by US$19 billion! These five major trends in the domestic sportswear market are beginning to emerge…

Not long ago, Nike announced its first quarter results for fiscal year 2023. As a result, U.S. stock prices fell by nearly 13%. Nike’s market value evaporated by more than $1…

I never expected that 2022 would be so difficult!  The market is weak and oil demand has dropped, but it has achieved a three-year growth of 1429.3% with its focus on “urban outdoor” clothing!

I never expected that 2022 would be so difficult! The market is weak and oil demand has dropped, but it has achieved a three-year growth of 1429.3% with its focus on “urban outdoor” clothing!

OPEC slashes oil demand forecast! On Wednesday (October 12) local time, OPEC lowered its 2022 world oil demand growth forecast in its monthly report, the fourth time since April. O…
