More than 5,000 containers were abandoned, some for a year!

More than 5,000 containers were abandoned, some for a year!

Morethan5,000containerswereabandonedatNigerianports,someforayear! ItisreportedthatthenumberofabandonedcontainersinNigerianportshasincreasedsharply.AccordingtoMohammedBello-Koko,act…

A sudden heavy rain caused many chemical fiber factories in Shaoxing to suffer heavy losses and were forced to stop work!

A sudden heavy rain caused many chemical fiber factories in Shaoxing to suffer heavy losses and were forced to stop work!

Yesterday afternoon, Keqiao, Shangyu, Zhuji and other places issued yellow warnings for lightning and yellow rainstorms. Just in the evening, super heavy rains and hailstones as bi…

Another heavy blow may affect the textile market in Jiangsu and Zhejiang!  Can polyester relieve stress?

Another heavy blow may affect the textile market in Jiangsu and Zhejiang! Can polyester relieve stress?

In the recent market, the raw materials PTA and ethylene glycol have gone up and down, and polyester filament has resumed its decline. The weaving and printing and dyeing markets h…

CMA CGM announces suspension of all spot freight rate increases!  Effective immediately!

CMA CGM announces suspension of all spot freight rate increases! Effective immediately!

It has just been announced that CMA CGM has taken the lead in officially announcing its decision to stop all spot freight rate increases! CMA CGM stated that this measure will take…

What you need to know about colored flowers

What you need to know about colored flowers

Color stains: The color of the cloth is uneven and appears as lumpy dark or light irregular spots. Comprehensive causes of colored flowers 1. Process formulation and operation issu…

A high-end women’s clothing brand extends its investment plan to open 44 new stores in first- and second-tier cities

A high-end women’s clothing brand extends its investment plan to open 44 new stores in first- and second-tier cities

During the normalization of the epidemic, local high-end women’s clothing brands are constantly adjusting their market expansion actions. Shenzhen Elise Clothing Co., Ltd. (h…

In today’s market, how should new and old cotton be integrated?

This week, domestic and foreign cotton prices first rose and then fell, with the average price continuing to be higher than last week’s level; domestic cotton yarn prices con…


What are the new trends in vortex spinning yarn development?

What are the new trends in vortex spinning yarn development?

Vortex spinning is one of the hottest new spinning technologies in recent years. Compared with traditional ring spinning and rotor spinning, its characteristics are very distinctiv…

About the “Specialization, Specialization, Innovation” Path of Textile Small and Medium-sized Enterprises during the 14th Five-Year Plan

About the “Specialization, Specialization, Innovation” Path of Textile Small and Medium-sized Enterprises during the 14th Five-Year Plan

Since the beginning of this year, a series of policies and measures have been introduced to support the high-quality development of “specialized, innovative, and innovative&#…

The virus has mutated again!  More than 40 countries have been infected, can they escape immune protection?  !  With the overseas epidemic situation endless, will textile orders be sustainable?

The virus has mutated again! More than 40 countries have been infected, can they escape immune protection? ! With the overseas epidemic situation endless, will textile orders be sustainable?

Be alert! Another mutant strain of the new coronavirus is spreading across the United States. The latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that th…
