*The actual weight of the material is referred to as “actual weight” or “wet weight” (G)
The dry weight of the material is referred to as “dry weight” (G0)
Moisture regain
The weight of moisture contained in the material as a percentage of the dry weight of the material.
Moisture regain (W) = (actual weight – dry weight) ÷ dry weight × 100%
Conversion between moisture content and moisture regain
1. W=M÷(1-M)×100%
2. M=W÷(1+W)×100%
Weight conversion
Official moisture regain rate: Due to the need for weight recording and price verification, the moisture regain rate of materials is uniformly stipulated by the authoritative department. It is close to the actual moisture regain, but not the moisture regain under standard atmospheric conditions.
Standard weight: The weight of the material at the public moisture regain or public moisture content, referred to as “quasi weight” and “public weight”.
Actual weight: The actual moisture content or moisture regain of the material, that is, the weight in pounds, referred to as “actual weight” or “wet weight”.
1. Standard weight (G standard) = actual weight (G) × (1 + official moisture regain) ÷ (1 + actual moisture regain) = dry weight (G0) × (1 + official moisture regain) )
2. Actual weight (G) = dry weight ÷ (1-actual moisture content) = dry weight × (1 + actual moisture regain)
3. Gross weight = standard weight × (1 + official moisture regain) ÷ (1 + actual moisture regain) + specified weight of the inner tube of the package + weight of packaging materials
For fiber processing enterprises Generally speaking, serious quality problems in spinning caused by poor or unqualified moisture content control, so the detection of moisture content and moisture regain is an important detection indicator in fiber processing, quality control, and commodity trade. The traditional oven method The operation is cumbersome and time-consuming.
For my country’s current regulations on moisture regain, see: GB 9994-2008 Textile Materials Official moisture regain rate