Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News Completely out of control! The Indian epidemic has disrupted many supply chains around the world! Raw materials are facing price increases, textile orders have sounded the alarm, and supply and demand are seriously imbalanced…

Completely out of control! The Indian epidemic has disrupted many supply chains around the world! Raw materials are facing price increases, textile orders have sounded the alarm, and supply and demand are seriously imbalanced…

According to data released by the Indian health department on the 8th, in the past 24 hours, there were 401,078 new confirmed cases across India, bringing the total to 21,892,676; …

According to data released by the Indian health department on the 8th, in the past 24 hours, there were 401,078 new confirmed cases across India, bringing the total to 21,892,676; there were 4,187 new deaths, bringing the total to 238,270. This is the third consecutive day that India has seen more than 400,000 new confirmed cases in a single day. It is also the 17th consecutive day that more than 300,000 new coronavirus infections have been confirmed in a single day, and it has set a new high in the number of new deaths in a single day. India, now known as “purgatory on earth”, is suffering from the second wave of the epidemic. However, according to previous judgments by World Health Organization experts, the actual number of confirmed cases and deaths in India may be 5 to 10 times higher than the official data.
The Indian government announced that a total of 3,532 worrying new coronavirus variants have been discovered in 27 states in India, adding that given the current surge in infection cases, a third wave of the epidemic is inevitable.

The epidemic in India is spreading rapidly, and the epidemic has rebounded in many countries and regions

As the World Health Organization fears, the epidemic in India has not only not improved, but has also spread to neighboring countries. , currently, cases are rising in Nepal and Vietnam, and 12 countries including Bhutan, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Myanmar have experienced a rebound in the epidemic, and the entire Southeast Asia has fallen into an epidemic crisis. Within one month, new confirmed cases in Laos surged 200 times compared with before; Pakistan reported 201 new deaths in a single day, the highest in the country’s history; the number of infections in Vietnam surged 131% in April compared with March… …

Nepal: With a surge of 8,000 confirmed cases in a single day, it is becoming a “Mini India”

As of 9:00 on May 7, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of the epidemic in Nepal More than 360,000, with more than 8,000 new people added every day. Nepal has continued to record new numbers of new cases for five consecutive days, and even Mount Everest has not been able to stop the epidemic. It is reported that 17 climbers have been infected with the new crown at the Everest base camp. A doctor at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, said: “The epidemic on the Indian border reflects the domestic situation in India. We call it ‘Mini India’. If the same thing happens in densely populated Kathmandu, it may cause a difficult situation.”

The trends in the number of new confirmed cases reported per million people in Nepal (green) and India (purple) in a single day are quite similar. Source: Our World in Date website

Cambodia: Implementing “zoning” control of the epidemic

In order to prevent and control the new crown epidemic, the official decision was made to still implement the epidemic after the “unblocking” of Phnom Penh. “District” control will last for one week (May 6 to 12). Under the new measures, officials will still divide each district into “yellow zone”, “orange zone” and “red zone” based on the severity of the epidemic. Most commercial activities in the “yellow zone” can return to normal.

Myanmar: Emergency extension of entry restrictions

In view of the rebound of the epidemic in many countries surrounding Myanmar, and with the approval of the Myanmar Central Committee for Epidemic Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Myanmar will The ban on international commercial flights entering Myanmar has been extended until May 31. On the same day, Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that entry restrictions for foreigners would also be extended to May 31.

Thailand: The epidemic continues to worsen, and 28 provinces have adopted curfew measures

Thailand has 2,113 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in a single day, with a total of 74,900 confirmed cases. A total of 318 deaths have occurred. The Ministry of Interior of Thailand issued an announcement saying that with the surge in confirmed cases, Thailand’s epidemic control has been upgraded again, and curfew measures are currently implemented in 28 prefecture-level administrative regions in Thailand. Thailand’s Ministry of Interior requires people to abide by measures during the curfew and not to go out unless it is urgent or necessary.

Pakistan: In order to curb the epidemic, 80% of inbound international flights have been cut

Recently, Pakistan reported 201 new deaths in a single day. The highest value in the country’s history. At present, Pakistan has a total of more than 840,000 confirmed cases. Pakistan’s epidemic response department stated that in order to curb the increase in new coronavirus cases, Pakistan plans to reduce the number of inbound international flights to 20% of the current level. Pakistan’s National Command and Operations Center posted on social media: “In view of the current global and regional disease epidemic trends, Pakistan has decided to reduce inbound international flights from May 5 to May 20.”


Laos: New confirmed cases surged 200 times in one month, and 18 provinces and cities were all closed for management

A total of 1,026 cases have been diagnosed in Laos. The Lao government has recently upgraded epidemic prevention work to “important “Emergency strategic mission” requires “entering a state of war against the epidemic”, and all 18 provinces and cities across the country are under closed management.

Singapore: Restrictions on social gatherings tightened from May 8 to 30

New infection clusters have emerged in Singapore in recent days, with new cases of COVID-19 in the past week With more than 60 confirmed cases, the Singapore government decided to tighten restrictions. Singapore co-leads the government’s inter-departmental anti-epidemic working group and announced that from May 8 to 30, Singapore will temporarily return to the second phase after the new crown epidemic is lifted. Restrictions on social gatherings will be tightened, and the number of people at each gathering will be reduced from a maximum of 8 people. To 5 people, households cannot receive more than 5 visitors per day. At the same time, working from home is promoted, and the total number of employees in the workplace will be reduced from the current 75% to less than 50%.

Japan: The state of emergency is extended to May 31

The Japanese government has decided to target Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Hyogo at level 4 The administrative region’s state of emergency for the new coronavirus has been extended from May 11 to May 31, and two more prefectures, Aichi and Fukuoka, will be added.

Overseas chemical marketStocks are at a low level, orders from Europe and the United States are returning, and price increases are imminent

As the overseas epidemic becomes increasingly serious, the manufacturing industry in many countries and regions has been affected. For example, India, as a major exporter of raw materials, pesticides, dyes, and pigments in the world, is currently facing a severe epidemic situation. Factories cannot operate at full capacity, and the export industry chain has also come to a standstill.

Whether it is medicine, pesticides, APIs, or chemical, textile, printing and dyeing industries, they are all sustainably developing industries in countries around the world. Especially in the chemical industry, production will not be suspended due to the epidemic. , transportation and sales. Then when India is unable to provide products for export, many orders from APIs, textiles, chemicals and other industries will flow back to my country, resulting in a huge boost to exports. The impact of the severity of the epidemic in India on the textile industry will repeat the return of orders in October last year, significantly diluting the original market expectations for the off-season and the negative impact of the Xinjiang cotton ban in Europe and the United States at the end of March, causing domestic yarn gray fabric inventories to continue to remain low. Tiku is postponed.

Since April this year, orders for textiles, home textiles, bedding, chemicals, dyes, etc. have returned to my country. Return orders are mainly for mid- to low-end products such as home textiles and bedding. Due to generally low contract prices, net profits, and short delivery times, most European, American, and Indian merchants bypass middlemen and directly dispatch orders to production companies. For domestic companies, It will bring greater benefits. Along with the strong growth of the textile and apparel industry, the prices of raw material commodities such as cotton have also seen a strong trend. Correspondingly, domestic cotton yarn prices have started to increase. The quotations of OE yarn and C40S generally increased in the market. Some spinning mills’ quotations increased by 500 yuan/ton due to low raw material and product inventories.

With the over-issuance of money and the “big release of water”, prices cannot escape the upward trend

Perhaps some people believe that the rise in textiles, chemicals, and industrial products Price has little to do with you, after all, not everyone is engaged in related industries, but I believe most people have gradually realized that not only industrial products, but also daily necessities, food, drinks, and basic necessities that are closely related to people’s lives have experienced price increases. signs. Industry insiders said that the rapid rise in prices is mainly due to two reasons. One is the global “big release”. As the world’s largest economy, the United States printed more than 5 trillion US dollars last year and another 1.9 trillion US dollars this year. , the currency continues to be overissued, causing currency depreciation. The other is that the global economy has begun to recover, production and investment needs have increased, and the demand for raw materials and other products has increased significantly, creating a tight supply and demand situation.

If a large amount of money in 2020 was used to “fight the epidemic”, then the continued unrestricted quantitative easing policy of European and American countries led by the United States in 2021 is actually a “big release” of money. Over the past 14 months, the United States’ money printing has increased by 82% year-on-year, the UK’s money printing has increased by nearly 60%, and the over-issuance of euro countries has increased by 53% year-on-year. Against this background, among the 57 major commodities in the world, 30 commodities have experienced price increases of more than 10% year-on-year. 11 commodities including copper, rubber, aluminum, and coke have increased by more than 30% year-on-year. The price of crude oil has increased by as much as 10%. 200%.

Analysts believe that since the COVID-19 epidemic, central banks around the world have generally released water, leading to the outbreak of systemic inflation. Commodity prices have surged, copper prices have doubled, thermal coal prices have reached record highs, and steel and non-ferrous metal prices have been rising. Coupled with the low base in the first quarter of 2020 due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the profits of upstream industries generally surged in the first quarter of 2021, and cyclical products also became the sector with the best stock price performance in the first quarter. According to institutional analysis, as the overseas epidemic situation becomes more severe in the future, the supply side of the chemical industry and other industries will face greater pressure. Under the serious imbalance between supply and demand, the trend of rising prices will be difficult to stop in the short term.


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Author: clsrich
