High-tech smart textiles

High-tech smart textiles Smart fabrics, also known as technical fabrics, are another name for industrial fabrics. Smart fabrics are changing our lives. Traditional fabrics in devel…

High-tech smart textiles

Smart fabrics, also known as technical fabrics, are another name for industrial fabrics. Smart fabrics are changing our lives. Traditional fabrics in developed countries around the world are hard to find, but technological and smart fabrics are in the ascendant and are gaining momentum.

“The weak woman wearing this kind of scarf can’t even push her down, which really amazes the viewer. The author also saw the use of this wonderful scarf at an industrial fabrics conference last year. Effect. This product developed by a company in Taiwan seems to have extraordinary magical powers. People wearing this scarf can generate a lot of strength out of thin air, and their feet seem to have roots. It is difficult for ordinary people to push them. For field troops, long-term ambush will make people’s legs weak. Once worn, this kind of fabric can produce explosive power instantly, which is very useful for the struggle between the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield.” President of China Industrial Fabrics Industry Association. Li Lingshen introduced the story of the “Wonderful Scarf” at a forum.

Smart fabric products allow people to re-understand the traditional fabric industry and expand the application fields of fabrics. Spider fiber is a fiber that is as thin as spider silk, but has a tensile force several times greater than that of steel wire of the same diameter. It plays a wonderful role in many fields; high-modulus carbon fiber makes fabrics harder than steel, but much lighter in weight. It is widely used in the aviation and aerospace fields; phase-change material fibers can make fabrics warm in winter and cool in summer, and bedding and work clothes made of them are called air-conditioned work clothes; color-changing fibers can change color with changes in temperature and magnetic field, and are used in battlefields and It is of great use in sports competitions. Memory fiber can remember the environment and body temperature, and can even actively adapt to the environment; after storing the fiber, it can store electricity during the day and discharge it at night, truly realizing energy conservation and environmental protection…the knowledge of these new global fabric materials and new fibers is China’s Brought to us by Yao Mu, academician of the Academy of Engineering and professor of Xi’an Polytechnic University.

The author also saw a kind of fabric in a company in Shaoxing that resembled waterweed and was called “artificial waterweed.” Put it in the fish tank, the water will become clear, and you won’t need to change the water for a year. Putting it under a wine glass or water glass can improve the molecular structure of the wine or water, causing physical changes in the wine or water, and the taste of the wine or water will change instantly. It turns out that bitter and spicy wine will become sweet, and drinking raw water will not cause diarrhea and is easier to be absorbed by the body. All of this seems beyond the scope of our cognition and becomes a bit magical, but it does happen around us.

There is nothing you can’t imagine but nothing you can’t do. In today’s world of advanced technology, smart fabrics are playing a leading role in life. Laibin City in Guangxi is a major city for silkworm breeding and silk industry. It is reported that they have conducted many years of experiments on male silkworm breeding and achieved results. Male silkworms spin more silk than female silkworms and spin larger cocoons. Through genetic technology, one cocoon can achieve an 80% male silkworm rate. A person in charge of the Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference told reporters that silk can be made into a variety of products, including mobile phones and computer parts. According to him, a company in Taiwan has developed silk electronic displays that can be used in mobile phones and computers. This kind of electronic product is green, environmentally friendly and biodegradable, which solves the problem of secondary pollution of electronic products.

In today’s world, the contribution rate of science and technology dominates the development path of industry. In the next five years, my country’s fabric industry will make breakthroughs in eight directions: key technological innovation, industrial application of advanced technology, independent brand building, sustainable development, industrial park planning, industrial layout adjustment, multi-level talent system construction, and corporate mergers and reorganizations. , to promote the transformation and upgrading of the fabric industry. An industry that heralds a bright future for the industry and represents the development prospects of the fabric industry will make the fabric industry more competitive.

In the upcoming “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” for the fabric industry, smart fabrics are included in the national strategic emerging industry plan, the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” for fabrics and the industrial fabrics plan, highlighting the country’s commitment to this attach great importance to it.



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Author: clsrich
