High-level technological innovation system

High-level technological innovation system my country’s polyester industrial yarn products lack application design and quality uniformity control concepts. The root cause is …

High-level technological innovation system

my country’s polyester industrial yarn products lack application design and quality uniformity control concepts. The root cause is the lack of professional and technical personnel, insufficient investment in improving product quality and product added value, and cannot form scale effects and brand effects. Low-shrinkage and dimensionally stable polyester industrial yarns have high performance requirements. In particular, dimensionally stable polyester industrial yarns are mainly used in radial tires for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles, which are related to life safety and require higher quality control. The strength index of domestic polyester industrial yarn products can reach or even exceed foreign products, but the product stability, CV value, elongation, etc. are poor, and the overall quality is lower than foreign products. The quality of domestic HMLS high-modulus and low-shrinkage products lags far behind foreign products. Indicators such as strength, shrinkage, and stability lag behind foreign products. They can only be used in low-end products, resulting in high-priced imports and low-priced polyester industrial yarns in my country. The production pattern of low-end products for export. Even companies that use imported equipment have insufficient market adaptability, which is particularly reflected in the prices of export products. The price of my country’s polyester industrial yarn exported to the European market is 30% lower than the price of similar products in Europe, and about 20% lower than that of North American products.

In terms of finishing technology, the country has a labor cost advantage, but key equipment and technology rely on imports. The company’s own digestion and absorption capabilities are weak, it does not pay attention to the development of independent intellectual property rights, and its production technology has no advantages. From the perspective of the industrial chain, polyester industrial yarn has relatively high interrelated requirements in terms of product use conditions, fiber performance, spinning technology, equipment configuration and engineering design. Domestic polyester industrial yarn companies generally have a “sporadic distribution” situation, with almost no integrated production of raw materials, polymerization, solid-phase polycondensation, spinning, weaving, and dipping, and it is difficult to independently develop technology and quality.

my country’s polyester industrial yarn industry is in urgent need of transformation and upgrading. Through the high-speed, flexibility and automation of the finishing system, combined with the optimization of the whole process, a new generation of low-cost, high-quality, high-dimensional stability polyester industrial yarn and Its products achieve high efficiency in the finishing process, save energy and reduce consumption, and are low-carbon; the products are reliable, durable, safe and environmentally friendly, providing support for the reliability, safety and durability of my country’s dams, highways, railways and other infrastructure.

It is urgent that polyester industrial yarns and products must strengthen independent innovation and improve product quality. With the support of huge market demand, we must improve traditional polyester industrial yarn technology and develop high value-added varieties. Through the combination of industry, academia and research, we have developed polyester quality control technology for industrial yarns, high-density continuous conveying technology for slices, SSP viscosity uniform control technology, high-speed spinning, multi-head finishing technology, and the development of functional polyester with reactive, seawater resistance, and UV resistance. In terms of industrial yarns, improve the finishing level and functionalization rate of polyester industrial yarns, promote the application of polyester industrial yarns in the industrial field, and provide high-quality, low-cost, multi-functional fabric materials for industry. In particular, we are developing high-performance products that are urgently needed by the country in the fields of water conservancy, transportation and other fields to meet the growing consumer demand for high-performance and functional industrial yarns in the industrial field.

The main experience of the successful development of fiber in my country is firstly the clear focus on variety selection. Compared with vinylon, polypropylene, polyacrylonitrile fiber, nylon, etc., polyester is cost-effective and highly competitive; secondly it is technological innovation, which is learned through introduction and digestion. Innovate again and develop integrated technologies such as large-scale continuous melt direct spinning and fine and ultra-fine denier spinning. The output and input are reduced by 20 times compared with 10 years ago. The energy saving and emission reduction effects are excellent, product quality is rapidly improved, and the latecomer advantage is significant; Thirdly, the fiber industry and the fabric industry chain are highly integrated, the logistics and market system construction are highly integrated, and the service is fast and efficient; of course, it is also inseparable from China’s stable political and economic environment.

While fully understanding the development achievements of my country’s polyester, we must also fully realize the problem that the current industry’s raw materials and markets are “outside” and the industry’s overall profit margin has been hovering at a low level for a long time; we must fully understand that my country’s chemical fiber enterprises Problems such as relatively low technological innovation capabilities, lack of intellectual property rights and brands, and intensified homogeneous competition in technology, products, and markets; especially the impact of new production capacity in the next few years. To this end, the future development of the industry must be people-oriented, and carry out more scientific research from the perspective of professional functional product upgrades and industrial upgrading and transfer, the expansion of emerging markets such as safety protection and transportation, and the low-carbon economy and sustainable development concepts and strategies that are inclusive of resources and the environment. Recognize and think.

Industrial upgrading strategy is led by “super imitation cotton”

After more than 50 years of development, my country’s differentiated and functional polyester products and technologies already have a good foundation. However, compared with the international advanced level, there is a significant gap in the completeness and systematicness of its product technology level and quality control. The added value is low. The reasons are firstly the unclear product design concept, lack of scientific research on application requirements, and poor market promotion and acceptance of chemical fibers as far as chemical fibers are concerned; secondly, the lack of originality, mainly imitation and tracking, and poor product serialization; the root cause It is the lack of high-level technological innovation concepts and systems. In 2010, based on the principles of ergonomics and simulated materials science, the China Chemical Fiber Industry Association proposed that simulated fibers such as cotton-like, wool-like, linen-like, silk-like and leather-like fibers should be regarded as my country’s chemical fibers“ The key development direction of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the output target is to achieve 15 million tons, of which imitation cotton is the focus, with a plan to achieve 8 million tons. At the end of 2010, relying on the Chemical Fiber Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, the Ministry of Science and Technology gave priority to launching the “Ten-Year Plan” The “Second Five-Year Plan” National Science and Technology Support Plan project “Super Imitation Cotton Polyester and Its Fabric Industrialization Technology Development” project is jointly undertaken by more than 20 advantageous units such as the Academy of Textile Science, Donghua University, Yizheng Chemical Fiber, and Jinhui Chemical Fiber. And The difference between previous simulation technology and products is that the development of this project emphasizes scientificity. Its technical foundation began with fiber material design in the 1980s, emphasizing the integration of differentiated functional series technologies, emphasizing polymerization, chemical fiber, weaving, The integration of dyeing and finishing technologies is significantly different from the development of single differentiated technologies and single-function products in the past. The development of “super-imitation cotton” technology and products not only pursues the closeness of cotton fabrics (similar in appearance) in fiber surface morphology and fabric style. ), focusing on the performance and function of fabric products that are similar to cotton, especially the dynamic thermal and moisture comfort performance closely related to underwear and casual work wear.

In fact, chemical fiber imitation cotton has many years of research history and foundation in our country. It has gone through three stages of imitating cotton in appearance, imitating cotton in performance and imitating cotton in function, but it has not received widespread attention. The progress of chemical fiber imitation cotton is relatively lagging behind. This is due to factors such as scientific understanding of cotton product performance indicators and limitations of post-finishing technology, as well as unclear and unscientific product development positioning. Of course, there is also the issue of limited technical conditions for differentiated functionalization. At present, the key technology system, product system and standard system for chemical fiber imitation cotton polymerization, spinning, weaving, dyeing and finishing have not yet been formed and need to be strengthened.

In view of the current status of domestic “super-imitation cotton” technology and product development, it is recommended that relevant research institutions, especially universities such as Donghua University, combine the scientific principles of ergonomics to enhance the hydrophilicity and warmth of cotton fibers and cotton-spun fibers and products. Mechanism, dynamic thermal and moisture comfort performance mechanism, etc., establishment of fiber multiple structure and product performance structure-activity relationship database, establishment of fiber design application science system. At the same time, the capillary wicking effect and dynamics, moisture absorption and moisture conduction capabilities and dynamics of fibers and fabrics such as fine or ultra-fine denier, hydrophilic copolymerization modification, inorganic blend modification, surface roughening, cross-section specialization, etc. are studied. Combined with fiber engineering models, clarify the finishing technology system, clarify the scientific positioning and goals of products, strengthen the combination of chemical fiber finishing engineering and product systems, and ultimately form simulated fiber and product design and finishing engineering to ensure the sustainable development of simulated fibers and products , and at the same time, it also lays a scientific foundation for formulating test methods and indicators for imitation cotton functions, standardizing market behavior, and reducing the negative effects of market hype on “super imitation cotton” technology and products.

In terms of promotion system construction, it is recommended to build a website based on the industrial chain, product chain, technology chain, and standard chain of the “1+X” product model, where “1” is the basic cotton-like variety, ensuring softness, warmth, and friendliness. Water-based, focus on achieving an inverse proportion of blended chemical fiber fabrics with cotton, changing from 65/35 to 35/65. On the premise of ensuring the performance and function of the fabric, the amount of cotton fiber is reduced, and the application of imitation cotton fiber is accelerated. The first priority at present is to clarify the technical system and product standards for basic varieties, and to establish fiber/filament, spinning yarn/blended chemical fiber fabrics, and fabric index systems. In addition to conventional performance indicators, the functional indicators of the cotton-like product chain must be clarified, including softness, looseness, hydrophilicity, etc. Especially the hydrophilicity, the gas phase hydrophilicity (moisture regain) and liquid phase hydrophilicity (moisture absorption rate) of the cotton-like fiber must be ensured. Then on this basis, functional indicators are strengthened to form the “X” series of product indicators, including the development of “super-imitation cotton” products with antistatic, antibacterial, fireproof, far-infrared, anti-ultraviolet and other functions. At the same time, we will make full use of the advantages of filament finishing to promote the development and promotion of filament cotton-like technology and products.

Expansion in emerging fields

Industrial yarn is an important “weapon”

Polyester industrial yarn is an important “weapon” for polyester to expand its industrial field. In recent years, my country’s polyester industrial yarn production capacity has grown rapidly, reaching 1.065 million tons in 2010, the largest in the world. The technical content and quality of products have steadily improved, and the cost advantage has become increasingly obvious. Polyester cords, polyester canvas, and polyester conveyor belt cores have been developed. and many other polyester industrial yarn finishing products. However, compared with products from developed countries, my country’s polyester industrial yarns generally have low product quality, and functional products and high-performance products cannot meet the needs of my country’s huge automotive industry and other markets. Every year, large quantities of high-strength, low-elongation and dimensionally stable long yarns need to be imported from abroad. Silk and related products (cord fabric products). However, the production capacity of conventional products such as high-strength and low-stretch series and medium-strength and low-shrinkage series is severely overcapacity.



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Author: clsrich
