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Southeast Asia is no longer a blessed land for textile pollution. Vietnam’s textile industry will be more environmentally friendly in 2030

The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) has set goals to help the country’s textile and apparel industry become more environmentally friendly by 2030, by which ti…

The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) has set goals to help the country’s textile and apparel industry become more environmentally friendly by 2030, by which time the industry plans to reduce energy consumption by 15% and water use by a fifth. In recent years, textile, clothing and footwear companies have paid special attention to green growth.

VITAS Secretary-General Truong Van Cam said that in addition to helping implement the national green growth strategy, a greener textile and apparel industry also meets the requirements of the world’s large textile and apparel import markets such as the European Union (EU).

Vietnamese textile clothing and leather footwear companies need to improve the sustainability of their products exported to the EU after the European Commission (EC) proposed that goods must meet eco-design standards.

This is an issue that companies must focus on if they want to explore large markets such as the United States or the European Union. This will also help businesses grow sustainably and reduce production costs, Kamm was quoted as saying by a news agency.

Greening activities in the industry include replacing electric boilers, using rooftop solar and reusing wastewater. A major obstacle is the need for significant investment, incentives and support.

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Author: clsrich
