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Inventory: Changes in my country’s downstream consumption structure of ethylene glycol in 2022

Introduction: Polyester is the most important downstream field of ethylene glycol. Among them, the products in the polyester field mainly include polyester filament, polyester stap…

Introduction: Polyester is the most important downstream field of ethylene glycol. Among them, the products in the polyester field mainly include polyester filament, polyester staple fiber, and polyester chips (including fiber-grade chips, bottle chips, and film chips). In recent years, my country’s polyester production capacity has increased year by year, which has greatly boosted the growth of my country’s demand for ethylene glycol.

Data source: Jin Lianchuang

Our country is a textile center that attracts global attention, especially in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, where China’s large-scale polyester production factories are concentrated. The main manufacturers include Zhejiang Hengyi Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tongkun Group Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Xinfengming Group. Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Sanfangxiangyi Group Co., Ltd., etc. According to data from Jinlianchuang, my country’s polyester production capacity has increased steadily in recent years. As of 2022, the total production capacity of my country’s large polyester factories has increased to 71.12 million tons. Polyester plays a pivotal role in the consumption of ethylene glycol, accounting for 92% of the total. Among them, bottle-grade PET accounts for 16%, polyester staple fiber accounts for 11%, fiber-grade PET accounts for 10%, and polyester filament accounts for up to 51%.

Another consumption area of ​​ethylene glycol is antifreeze, which is mainly used to prevent automobile engines from cooling and freezing in cold winter. With the continuous development of my country’s automobile industry and the improvement of living standards, people’s demand for automobiles has increased rapidly. In the future, our country The number of automobiles will steadily increase, and the demand for ethylene glycol in the antifreeze field is expected to rise steadily in the future. It is roughly estimated that the demand for ethylene glycol in the antifreeze field in 2022 will be about 1.16 million tons, accounting for approximately 1.16 million tons of ethylene glycol consumption in my country. 5% of the structure.

At the same time, ethylene glycol is also a widely used chemical raw material and is used to a certain extent in many fields such as adhesives, paint solvents, cold-resistant lubricants, surfactants and polyester polyols.

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Author: clsrich
