Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News Strong expectations and weak reality are contradictory! PTA: Demand recovery is less than expected! Weaving operating rate is low, polyester production and sales are 20%!

Strong expectations and weak reality are contradictory! PTA: Demand recovery is less than expected! Weaving operating rate is low, polyester production and sales are 20%!

PX: Naphtha prices were in a stalemate, with March MOPJ negotiating at 695-696 in late trading; PX prices rose, with two orders of April Asian spot transactions at $1,082/ton CFR. …

PX: Naphtha prices were in a stalemate, with March MOPJ negotiating at 695-696 in late trading; PX prices rose, with two orders of April Asian spot transactions at $1,082/ton CFR. The March buying order is at 1080, and there is no selling quote. On February 1, PX was valued at US$1,081/ton CFR, an increase of US$11 from January 31.

MEG: On January 31, MEG shipments from a mainstream reservoir area in Zhangjiagang were around 7,100 tons, and MEG shipments from the two mainstream reservoir areas in Taicang were around 4,200 tons.

Polyester: The overall daily production and sales of polyester yarn in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were weak, with an average estimate of around 20% by around 4 p.m. The production and sales of several factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were at 0%, 85%, 35%, 75%, 5%, 10%, 30% %, 50%, 10%, 20%, 5%, 40%, 5%, 130%, 10%, 10%, 0%, 70%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 0%, 50%.

The sales of direct-spun polyester shorts were light on the 1st, with an average production and sales of 25%. The production and sales of some factories were: 30%, 60%, 10%, 10%, 20%, 10%, 70%, 20%.

Since the start of construction later this year, the polyester market is gradually recovering. According to the plan last year, many polyester plants will be opened from the eighth day of the lunar month, so the load is expected to pick up quickly at the end of January and early February. However, judging from the actual follow-up situation, the current recovery speed of polyester load does not seem to be too fast. It is true that many devices are heating up recently, or plan to increase the load, but most of them have not yet released products, so the polyester load at the end of the month is still hovering at a low level of 64-65%. Judging from the current pace, the progress of load improvement is somewhat lower than expected.


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Author: clsrich
