Business Club: Cost-effective support, spandex prices rise

According to SunSirs’ monitoring, the price focus of the spandex market has shifted upward in February. As of February 10, the average market price of 40D specifications was …

According to SunSirs’ monitoring, the price focus of the spandex market has shifted upward in February. As of February 10, the average market price of 40D specifications was 37,000 yuan/ton, an increase of 3.50% from the beginning of the month. Recently, the spandex industry’s operating start-up has increased to more than 80%, which provides good support in terms of costs. Downstream companies have resumed production and continued to purchase goods for urgent needs.

On the cost side, the increase in BDO has been suspended, but the spandex raw material TMEG factory has no pressure to ship, and the market continues to support prices, with mainstream quotations ranging from 20,000 to 22,000 yuan/ton. The pure MDI market is rising, traders are reluctant to sell, and some are closed to wait and see. The current market reference price is around 20,000 yuan/ton, wire transfer barreled and self-delivered.

Downstream terminal demand is picking up, with the circular knitting industry’s operating start-up rising to 30-40%, and the warp knitting field’s operating start-up being around 50%. However, the stocking of raw materials is not active. Most of the pre-holiday stocks are digested, and the follow-up is not as good as expected. The overall market continues to be in urgent need of purchasing, and the wait-and-see atmosphere is strong.

SunSirs analysts believe that the current strengthening of costs has boosted the spandex market. As the pace of downstream resumption of work and production accelerates, spandex prices are expected to continue to rise within a narrow range in the short term.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
