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Production capacity restored to 80%! Zhejiang Huadeli’s 50 printing and dyeing production lines are operating at full capacity to seize a “good start”!

Recently, at Zhejiang Huadeli Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd., forklifts were going back and forth, machines were roaring, and workers were busy in their respective productio…

Recently, at Zhejiang Huadeli Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd., forklifts were going back and forth, machines were roaring, and workers were busy in their respective production workshops. 50 production lines were operating at full capacity and intensifying production. “In the first quarter, the year-on-year growth in output value is expected to be around 10%.” Zhang Zhenhao, assistant general manager of Huadeli, told reporters that the company’s production capacity has been restored to 80%, and induction training for new employees is in full swing. The company will do a solid job in safe production on the premise , roll up your sleeves and work hard to get off to a good start in the first quarter.

The printing and dyeing business sector has always been the “wind vane” of the textile industry. Whether the orders in the textile market are good or not can be determined by looking at printing and dyeing. As the largest leading dyeing and finishing company in Haining City, Huadeli is mainly engaged in the printing and dyeing processing industry and combined heat and power generation. Since the resumption of work and production in the New Year, in addition to the busy dyeing of large quantities of goods, the small proofing tanks are also very “crowded”. “In the past few days, on average, a printing and dyeing workshop has to dye nearly 50 samples every day.” Zhang Zhenhao said that home textile companies all understand that under the new normal, the textile industry will regain vitality and seek a new turning point in this spring.

In today’s textile market, conventional products are no longer attractive, but more inclined to develop innovative fabrics, so there is less need for proofing. Many companies no longer just wait for customers to give them requests, but choose to show samples of their own specialty products to customers. Such samples often have multiple colors in one variety, and the same fabric will have multiple different finishing processes for customers to compare and select. Therefore, since the end of last year, home textile companies of all sizes in Xucun have taken action and developed prototypes one after another to prepare for participating in a series of exchange and procurement conferences with the theme of the textile industry this spring. According to incomplete statistics, during the peak period at the end of last year, a printing and dyeing workshop in Huadeli dyed 500 samples a day. Zhang Zhenhao said that the orders put into the proofing and dyeing vat are not mass-produced, and the meters are very small, but there are many varieties. Huadeli took the opportunity to establish a database to save the basic characteristics of different dyes on different fabrics, provide color parameters for customers to quickly detect samples in the future, accurately generate printing and dyeing spot color formulas, and lay the foundation for efficient printing and dyeing. “The increasingly large database has released positive signals, and we are confident about the textile industry this year.”

Walking into the production workshop, “We must fight the problems together with the colleagues, not the problems together with the colleagues” “Washing well, fine wrinkles will run away crying”… Motivational banners are hung above the aisles, and the workers are doing their own thing. Professional, full of energy, and fully into working condition.

The reporter learned that Huadeli mainly produces and processes decorative fabrics, warp knitted fabrics, yarns, lining fabrics, etc. The volume is not small and the labor demand is also huge. As of the end of last year, the company had more than 2,200 employees. Today, more than 90% of employees have returned to work, and the recruitment of new employees is still in progress. “Recommendations from acquaintances and bringing in the new with the ‘old’ are our current main recruitment methods. In addition, we also actively participate in job fairs and continue to attract technical talents.” Zhang Zhenhao said that currently, Huadeli is trying to find ways to speed up the company’s industrial worker team construction, and reserve new forces for the enterprise to get off to a good start.

Run at the beginning of the year and sprint at the beginning. In 2022, Huadeli will achieve a total output value of 730 million yuan. In 2023, Huadeli will redouble its efforts to do a solid job in safety and environmental protection production, increase investment in research and development as always, and expand RMB 100 billion fashion for Xucun with new looks and new achievements. Contribution to the industrial landscape.


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Author: clsrich
