Some considerations for textile mill design

The domestic textile mill industry has long since passed the era of making profits by just opening a factory. Nowadays, when planning to build a textile mill, there are many more t…

The domestic textile mill industry has long since passed the era of making profits by just opening a factory. Nowadays, when planning to build a textile mill, there are many more things to consider than before. Today, we talk about textile mill design.

First of all, why would you want to build a textile mill?

Investors must answer this question first. If your answer is simply “profit” and you are not a relevant operator in the textile industry, then Jinkunying directly advises you not to open this textile factory.

Many people who are running textile mills are not very profitable, let alone new entrants with a blank slate. Of course, it is not that there is no chance of success, but that the chance of success is too low.

What kind of core team members have been hired?

In the textile mill industry, the entry threshold is relatively low. Except for large fixed asset investment and large working capital requirements, there are basically no special entry barriers.

No special license is required, there is no special emission permit, and a single factory will not be related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. It can be said that as long as you have money, you can open it if you want.

But in this industry with low barriers to entry, the levels are very clear.

For example, a T-shirt can be sold for tens to thousands of dollars.

It is very simple to make a T-shirt that sells for tens of yuan, but it is as difficult as making a mobile phone that sells for thousands of yuan, or even more difficult. , because the annual global production and sales of mobile phones worth several thousand yuan are definitely higher than the annual global production and sales of T-shirts worth several thousand yuan.

Therefore, do not underestimate the internal levels of this low-threshold industry.

The investors in the textile mill basically determine the level of the textile mill by hiring the core team members (production manager, sales manager).

I would like to advise these textile mill investors, if you still regard textile mills as a low-tech, labor-intensive industry that can make a profit by selling your physical strength, Jin Kunying advises you to set up a supporting electronics factory next to Foxconn. Your success rate will be better. It will be much higher.

What quality target products do you plan to produce?

This is very important. It directly determines the type of machine to choose, the configuration of components, and the design of the air conditioner. It is also related to the reserved space required for many workshop operations, which will be completely different due to different quality requirements.

Moreover, in 2018, you decided to build a new textile factory. If you are not aiming for the 5% quality indicator, then Jinkunying really recommends that you not build it.

If you set a high goal, you may not be able to achieve it, so why not set a low goal? Then there will be trouble if you don’t lose money

Which factory-level equipment should you choose?

Qinghua, three manufacturers are recommended: Qingdao, Zhengzhou, and Jintan.

There is basically no big difference between Qingdao and Zhengzhou, regardless of the model, principle, quality and price. If I have to mention it, the previous vertical three-licker-in roller cleaner in Qingdao was really bad, but it was recently remodeled and replaced with 1115, which is almost an improved version of the Porcupine, and the effect is very good. Although the horizontal cotton cleaner in Zhengzhou is better than the vertical three-licker-in roller in Qingdao, the principle is the same and the damage to cotton fibers is still much higher than that of the porcupine. But these are all minor details in technical research and can be used without affecting the overall situation.

As for Jintan’s blow dryer, there are really many special improvements. The equipment principle is very different from the mainstream models such as Qingdao and Zhengzhou. In the actual use of many manufacturers, they have special advantages, and there are also many advantages in terms of price. For some manufacturers who are a little strapped for funds, it is worth considering.

Carding Qingdao and Zhengzhou are both good. It is worth mentioning that Qingdao’s automatic barrel changer has two barrels, while Zhengzhou’s has three barrels, which saves space. For those experts who are still thinking about buying 186, Jin Kunying suggests that you might as well buy second-hand carded cotton.

Rieter and True are both good, but they are expensive. The output is really not low, and they can really produce output that domestic machines cannot.

Whether the output can be increased without reducing the quality depends on the ability of the actual operator. If it cannot be done, it cannot be blamed on the equipment. However, some manufacturers do not have high quality requirements but high output requirements. Rieter and Tru are very suitable for these. The manufacturer chose.

Combed, Jingwei, Kaigong, and Rieter are all good choices.

There is no big difference between Jingwei and Kaigong. In terms of the joint-rolling process, Jin Kunying feels that Kaigong has a slight advantage. There are not so many broken and stuck rolls when using it.

Rieter combing, of course, is good. It is the best combing equipment in the world. It has good combing strip quality, advantageous noil rate and high output.� personnel, the purpose is to sell machines, not to help you manage the daily life of the spinning mill. In order to sell machines, these people will do anything. Didn’t I just mention the bragging characteristics of these people? He is one of the representatives.

A textile machinery salesperson who tells you he doesn’t know how to drink, and you ask him to drink one catty before signing a contract, will definitely drink two catties.

Moreover, the design level of these people’s textile mills is really not very good. In Jin Kunying’s past work, many of the irresponsible textile factory designs she encountered were designed by people from textile machinery factories. I have never heard a salesperson from a textile machinery factory say the word “no” at the end.

Selection of various parts for textile machinery

Many people think that after drawing a machine arrangement diagram, the textile mill design is complete, but in fact it is just the beginning. Parts selection is more than ten times more complicated than drawing a machine arrangement diagram. Different varieties lead to different parts selections in each process from front to back. Different beaters and different card clothings in blowroom carding are just the most basic things. , there are many other things, let me just mention a few here. It is not that Jin Kun Ying hides his secrets, but it is impossible to finish them in this space. Different textile materials require different air-conditioning environments, which must be considered. Of course, two and three must be combined. It should also be considered that different textile materials are suitable for different drafts. Why Schlafhorst is so strong in wool and linen? This is also due to its technical advantages. Different parts manufacturers choose, such as card clothing and top rollers. Leather rings have to be chosen.

The capacity of semi-finished products can also be regarded as one of the choices for textile machinery parts. Generally speaking, the bigger the better (unless it meets some special operating requirements). Don’t think that if it is larger, it will produce a quality difference within the same container. In fact, the quality The difference is much smaller than the quality difference caused by various production inconveniences caused by small capacity.

In fact, all of the above-mentioned parts selection can be negotiated with the textile machinery manufacturer one by one. If they are all left to the textile machinery factory to help with the distribution, if it is the regular manufacturer mentioned above, it will not be bad, but it is definitely not bad. It will be a good effect. If it is a small textile machinery factory, then if you give them the supporting parts to configure, you will die.

With all kinds of investment options, you must not just go for the expensive one.

If you were originally a textile factory operator, I believe you would probably hear your subordinates say every day that they did not do their job well because you, the boss, were stingy and did not buy advanced and expensive equipment.

But in fact, managers who can fully realize the value of advanced and expensive imported equipment will never say this.

Textile mills are meant to be profitable. The high investment in fixed assets, resulting in monthly depreciation and interest costs, has overwhelmed most textile mills. There are many domestic textile mills with imported equipment that have been operating for several years. Then it ceased production and closed down.


Jin Kunying has never seen that the warehouses of textile mills are sufficient. Therefore, when designing the textile mill, we must consider how to reasonably arrange the location of these warehouses.


One article cannot cover everything about textile factory design. Here is just a brief introduction. Even in several textile design institutes in East China, those juniors and juniors who have just graduated a few years ago and have not had much practical experience in textile factories, design The drawings that came out were full of mistakes and there were too many things that were not considered.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
