Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News In the dyeing factory laboratory, a little unknown detail determines the success or failure of the dyeing factory.

In the dyeing factory laboratory, a little unknown detail determines the success or failure of the dyeing factory.

The importance of the laboratory: From a management point of view, the various conditions for laboratory proofing strive to be similar to those for large-scale production in the wo…

The importance of the laboratory: From a management point of view, the various conditions for laboratory proofing strive to be similar to those for large-scale production in the workshop. The laboratory proofing work is to serve the workshop, not to require the workshop to follow the conditions of the laboratory. Production, but the laboratory should strive to imitate various conditions in the workshop when making samples. No matter how sophisticated the laboratory is, if it cannot effectively provide data and process support to the workshop, then the value of the laboratory will not be reflected.

1 The current situation and shortcomings of printing and dyeing enterprise laboratories

1. Current situation

① The main work is to rely on manual proofing and copying, and does not make good use of modern tools, computerized color matching instruments, which is inefficient and seriously restricts the delivery time of large quantities of goods.

At present, the laboratories/technical departments of many printing and dyeing factories are doing repeated proofing and copying of color samples. If the customer does not confirm, they will return the sample and reprint it until the color sample is confirmed. We have just started making duplicate samples to make large quantities of goods. Since the coloring cloth used by most companies is not the cloth used for workshop production (cloth for duplicate samples), we have to re-print three or four times or even more times before leaving the workshop. The color may not be correct when leaving the workshop, which seriously affects the company’s delivery time and the company’s credibility.

At the same time, due to various factors such as changes in light, weather, the mood of the color grabber on the day, the length of working hours, the ability of the color grabber, etc. will all affect the color grab quality. For example, for the same color, he may give a greatly different prescription in the morning, afternoon or even night, because a busy day of color picking causes visual fatigue. If you are in a good mood, the color may be adjusted in two or three times. If you are in a bad mood, it may be done in 5 or 6 times.

② There is no detailed analysis of the performance of the dyes and chemicals used. The formulated process conditions or processes mainly rely on the accumulation of experience and have not been scientifically designed. It is uncertain whether they are reasonable or optimized. , unable to achieve refined production.

③ Due to the incomplete understanding of the quality of the dyes and chemicals used, the properties of the fabrics, etc., when diseases occur, the problem is solved simply and crudely.

④ The lack of innovation capabilities in new technologies and new materials seriously restricts the development of enterprises.

2. Defects or shortcomings

The Art of War says: Know yourself and the enemy; Fight a hundred battles without danger. The same goes for being a printing and dyeing factory. Do you have a clear understanding of your raw materials, fabric quality, related machines and equipment involved, etc., such as the solubility of reactive dyes, salt and alkali resistance, spots of disperse dyes, and high and low temperature dispersion? Etc., the hardness and pH of the water used, whether the temperature and pressure of the equipment used are accurate, etc. Many companies do not pay attention to or even consider this aspect of testing.

There are also drip machines used in many laboratories now. Whether the drip is stable and whether the solution concentration design is reasonable is also related to the error of the drip itself.

Especially the equipment department of the enterprise. Is the focus of the equipment department’s work on maintaining equipment or repairing equipment? Generally speaking, repairs are only considered when the equipment has obvious faults and cannot operate normally. The importance of equipment maintenance is ignored, because before the equipment cannot operate normally and needs repairs, the equipment usually works for a period of time, and may have been damaged during this period. The quality of the product has had a certain impact.

These may seem like small problems, but they are actually big problems. Without these basic analysis data, if a problem occurs, you will not know how to analyze it. It is like a blind man trying to feel an elephant, and you will not know whether the problem is inevitable or accidental. In this way, there is no way to talk about how to improve the success rate.

2 The composition of the technical system and the responsibilities of each department

Based on the above analysis, we believe that a The technical system of a printing and dyeing enterprise should be composed of three major laboratory systems:

The first is the color laboratory, whose main job is to make color samples and send them to customers for confirmation, as well as the first cylinder reprint of new colors. This kind of work is basically done in every dyeing factory, but most of them still rely on manual color mixing. There are too many influencing factors, which seriously restricts the delivery time;

II It is a technology research and development center. The laboratory is the core of the entire technology system and is responsible for the company’s personnel training and future development. But on the contrary, many companies do not have this laboratory, and only a few large and high-quality companies have it.

The third is the quality inspection laboratory. This is usually found in high-quality companies that make export products. It is also a very critical auxiliary laboratory, but most companies have quality inspection laboratories. The laboratory only does QC inspection of batches of products, such as various fastnesses, strength, etc. The execution of other tasks, such as the early inspection of incoming batches of dyes and chemical materials, was neglected.

The following is a brief introduction to the work responsibilities of the three major laboratories:

1. Responsibilities of color matching laboratory

①Laboratory proofing work

According to the relevant dyes and chemicals provided by the technology research and development center The technical information rationally arranges dye combinations of different color systems and different fastness requirements of customers. Use computer color matching technology to optimize costsUnder certain circumstances, we will provide customers with satisfactory color samples as quickly as possible.

②The work of copying the first cylinder of new colors

Most companies are doing the work of copying the first cylinder of new colors. But what is the reason for not doing well?

I think there are three points:

①The stability of the dye combination;

②The rationality of the design of process conditions, such as the design of temperature rise and cooling rates;

③Process flow: post-processing, post-finishing, etc. to ensure that the entire process is consistent with mass production. Whether the quality after each step is consistent or meets the requirements needs to be inspected.

2. Technology R&D Center Responsibilities

Technology R&D Center Work To sum up, there are three key points, but the actual work content is very much:

❶Utilization of computer measurement and color matching technology

With the computer measurement With the development of color matching technology, if companies develop computerized color matching work, they can well solve the problem of repeated proofing and color matching. It can not only reduce the dependence on color masters, but also greatly reduce the workload and improve the quality of corporate samples. delivery date.

Everyone knows the benefits of computerized color matching measurement to enterprises, but in fact there are very few companies that are good at using computers to measure color matching. Many companies have computerized color matching instruments, but Just use its color measurement function (color detection).

There are three main reasons:

①Many companies are processing on behalf of others, and they do not know the quality or even the ingredient content of the gray cloth. Make a detailed analysis and dye it as soon as you get it;

② The quality of dyeing and chemical companies is uneven, and the inspection of incoming batches is very important. Simple color light and color depth inspection are not enough. , You get what you pay for. Products with the same color, light and depth are quoted at 60 and 150 at the same time. There must be a reason.

③The vast majority of dyes today are mixed dyes. Unlike more than ten years ago, many dyes were monomeric dyes. This also brings problems to the current computer color matching technology. In order to reduce the complexity, how to adjust the coefficient is the key.

❷Optimization of dyeing technology and processes

In production, For some auxiliaries, it is not that the more the better, it is not even necessary. The more varieties of auxiliaries, the greater the risk. Whether the compatibility between them is satisfied will affect their actual effect. At the same time, each additive has different usage requirements in different products of different companies or under process conditions. Not what the supplier provides is correct. Some problems can be solved through process optimization, such as dyeing process rationalization technology, which can both reduce costs and improve quality.

❸Analysis of defect problems in the production process and development of new products

Many companies discover a problem and then solve it as soon as possible, but they fail to analyze the problem, how the defect occurred, and how to avoid it happening again next time is the key.

At the same time, if an enterprise wants to develop, it must keep up with the development of the market. If it even wants to be ahead of the market, it cannot do without the development of new products.

3. Responsibilities of the quality inspection laboratory

Quality inspection The work of the laboratory is far more than the so-called QC testing, it runs through the quality control of the entire product, such as:

① Incoming inspection of raw materials

The incoming inspection of raw materials will directly affect the first-time success rate, production cost and profit of the workshop. For example, the detection of oil content and pulp content of white embryos will provide prescribers with reasonable pre-treatment prescriptions, which can not only reduce costs but also obtain stable quality.

As mentioned before, you get what you pay for when it comes to batch inspection of dyestuffs. At the same time, dye manufacturers will also have failed batches during the production process. These questionable products cannot be eaten or thrown away. How to use them? We have to think. Therefore, the incoming inspection of dyes and chemical materials is also a top priority and cannot be ignored.

②Daily water quality testing

Nowadays, environmental protection policies are tightening, and large quantities of water in workshops use many types of water, such as river water and tap water. , recycled water, hot water, etc., while laboratory water is basically one type, tap water. Water quality indicators such as hardness and pH will directly affect the stability of the product, especially in the pre-treatment and dyeing stages.

③ Regular calibration of instruments and meters in laboratories and workshops.

Regular testing of instruments and meters is very important, but many companies wait until they find problems with the instruments before repairing or replacing them. For example, the occurrence of many problems with temperature and pressure instruments is a process. That is to say, there has been a qualitative change process for a period of time before it is found that it needs to be replaced, which has a direct impact on the early product quality.

④ Quality testing of finished products in the workshop, such as color fastness, strength, etc. This work is basically done by companies with certain scale and quality requirements, so I won’t go into details.

3 The importance of technical system construction

In summary, how to establish a good technical system , how to effectively control every detail of the laboratory is directly related to the stability and efficiency of mass production in the workshop, as well as the profit margin that executives are most concerned about.

A qualified technical center is actually a small printing and dyeing enterprise, involving all aspects of the entire process. It is far from a simple proofing organization, it is related to the long-term development of the enterprise.

The actual situation is just the opposite. Most companies believe that laboratories are just for proofing and cannot directly bring objective profits like workshop production. They invest very actively in equipment for workshop production. , but are rarely willing to invest in laboratories and ignore their importance. Therefore, we also need to warn against the occurrence of this situation.

In-time production can also directly bring objective profits. Investment in equipment for workshop production is very active, but few are willing to invest in laboratories and ignore its importance. Therefore, we also need to warn against the occurrence of this situation. </p

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Author: clsrich
