Interpretation of waterproof, windproof and breathable functional fabrics

Waterproof and breathable fabric means that water cannot penetrate into the fabric under a certain pressure, and the sweat emitted by the human body can be transmitted to the outsi…

Waterproof and breathable fabric means that water cannot penetrate into the fabric under a certain pressure, and the sweat emitted by the human body can be transmitted to the outside world in the form of water vapor through the fabric, thereby preventing sweat from accumulating and condensing between the body surface and the fabric to maintain the wearer’s comfort. Comfort, it is a high-tech, unique functional fabric �防水对于面料行业来说并不是什么难题,关键是如何实现透气与其兼得并且实现超强防风� �下面,我们从实现防水、防风与透气织物的种类来深入解读新型高科技产品� � </p


1. Breathability is achieved by laminating waterproof and breathable membranes </p

1. PTFE film </p

The diameter of water vapor molecules is 0.0004 microns, the diameter of small mist in rainwater is 20 microns, and the diameter of drizzle is as high as 400 microns. If a film with a pore diameter between water vapor and rainwater can be produced, it can be both waterproof and waterproof. Breathable �美国戈尔公司利用聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)成为第一家生产出该膜的公司,与织物进行复合层压后取商品名为GORE-TEX(戈尔特斯TM)薄膜� �经过不断努力,通过与其它亲水薄膜层压在一起成为复合薄膜,在膜上进行特殊处理,其牢度大大提高� It is generally believed that the water pressure of this fabric can reach 10,000mm, and the water pressure will drop significantly after washing 6-7 times; the air permeability can reach 10,000g/sqm*24hrs, but it does not mean that the fabric can reach this value just after it is made. After several washings, the whole part will be After the glue is washed away, the available pores will increase and the air permeability will increase. At the same time, the clothing made of this fabric can also block the intrusion of cold wind and prevent the wind from taking away the heat emitted by the body through the fabric, so that the body does not feel windy due to the loss of heat. cold; in addition, the fabric resists 97.5% of UV rays � </p

  PTFE面料现在主要以美国的戈尔和Donaldson为代表� �戈尔自己生产薄膜并做复合,不单独卖薄膜,指定较好的服装生产厂家做服装,并有单独的销售人员与其配合� After Gore produced the unique waterproof, windproof and breathable fabric, it can be said to have written a myth in the outdoor field. It was known as the “Century Fabric” in Europe and the United States, and the clothing, shoes, hats, and gloves made of it have been used for many years. It has been protecting American astronauts and countless explorers for a long time. The militaries of Germany, France, Nordic countries, South Korea, Singapore and other countries have also partially adopted this fabric. It was listed by Fortune magazine as one of the 100 best American products in the world. Almost all of the world’s top outdoor clothing brands use GORE-TEX (Gore-TexTM) fabrics to provide comprehensive protection for outdoor enthusiasts and enable them to fully enjoy outdoor activities. Among them, the brands that are familiar to Chinese consumers There are: Arc’ Teryx, The North Face, Black Yak, Ozark, Bonton, Garmont, Arctic Fox, Nautica, Timberland, Tecnica, Vasque, Treksta, etc. In recent years, Gore has made continuous efforts to accurately position the different functions and applicability of GORE-TEX fabrics and developed four categories that can meet the needs of different outdoor sports: GORE-TEX Pro Shell, GORE-TEX Performance Shell, GORE-TEXSoft Shell and GORE-TEX PacliteShell have established its absolute leading position in the functional fabric industry; Donaldson only produces films and laminates at Japanese lamination manufacturers. �</p

2. TPU film </p

  TPU是热塑型聚氨酯薄膜的简称,属于无孔亲水性薄膜� �由于薄膜本身没有孔隙,防水效果自然很好� �透气主要通过其的亲水特性来实现,依靠衣服内外蒸汽压的差异,将蒸汽从压力高的地方转移到低的地方,从而实现了透气的功能� � </p


2. Breathability is achieved through coating </p

Using dry direct coating, transfer coating, foam coating, phase inversion or wet coating (solidified coating) and other process technologies, various coating agents with waterproof and breathable functions are applied to the surface of the fabric. On the surface, the pores on the surface of the fabric are closed or reduced to a certain extent by the coating agent, thereby obtaining waterproof properties. The breathability of the fabric is achieved through the microporous structure formed by a special method on the coating or the interaction between the hydrophilic groups in the coating agent and water molecules. With the help of hydrogen bonds and other intermolecular forces, water molecules are adsorbed on the high-humidity side and then passed to the low temperature side to obtain the analytical function �涂层面料的价格低,实现了一定的透气,而被广泛使用� �但是由于其防水透气性能较差,手感也不能令人满意,市场占有率正在逐步的减少� � </p


3. Breathability through fibers </p

  1、文泰尔织物� It was designed by the British Shirley Research Institute in the 1940s. It uses Egyptian long-staple cotton, high count, low twist pure cotton yarn, high density and heavy flat weave fabric. It was originally mainly used for cold protection by British Air Force pilots during World War II. Soak in clothes When the fabric is dry, the gaps between the warp and weft yarns are larger, about 10 microns, which can provide a highly breathable structure; when rain or water hits the fabric, the cotton yarns expand, reducing the gaps between the yarns to 3 to 4 microns. This A closed-cell mechanism combined with a special water-repellent finish ensures that the fabric�Further penetration by rainwater. At present, this type of fabric has long been replaced by other waterproof and breathable fabrics.

  2、Coolmax类面料� �通过纤维内部制造出孔道的方式实现将汗水排出体外,也就是目前市场上的吸湿排汗面料� � </p

TIPS </p

  新顶端品类:GORE-TEXPro Shell三层面料运用了为先进的 GORETM Micro Grid Backer新专利内衬结构技术� First of all, the stitching marks at the seams of the clothing are significantly smaller and almost unnoticeable. As a result, the friction between the inner and outer clothing is greatly reduced, which not only facilitates the free stretch of the body but also enhances the overall aesthetics of the clothing; secondly, unlike in the past, Compared with fabrics, GORE-TEX Pro Shell composite fabric weighs 15 grams less per square centimeter, and the weight of the entire garment will be reduced by about 60 grams, allowing people to engage in outdoor sports such as mountaineering, bouldering, ice climbing, skiing, and adventure hobbies. Users experience long-lasting protection and ultimate comfort �有了这层特殊内衬结构保护,GORE-TEX(戈尔特斯TM)薄膜的防水、防风、透气功能将保持得更加长久�

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Author: clsrich
