Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News Southeast Asia and the central and western regions are like wolves and tigers, and favorable policies have been introduced one after another to help the high-quality development of the textile industry.

Southeast Asia and the central and western regions are like wolves and tigers, and favorable policies have been introduced one after another to help the high-quality development of the textile industry.

The world economic recovery has slowed down, resulting in a reduction in orders in the international market. In response to the international financial crisis, various countries ha…

The world economic recovery has slowed down, resulting in a reduction in orders in the international market. In response to the international financial crisis, various countries have generally adopted loose monetary policies, making 2022 a year of crisis for the textile industry… Looking at the domestic market, factors such as rising labor costs and sluggish textile consumption have led to a reduction in orders and profits for textile companies. significantly reduce. When these situations have not been effectively alleviated, textile and clothing exports from Southeast Asia and the central and western regions of China have increased dramatically! This further aggravates the difficulties faced by the coastal textile industry.

Despite the difficulties and the slowdown in growth, the pace of the coastal textile industry’s gradual transformation from “capacity expansion” to “value growth” and from “reliance on exports” to “both internal and external considerations” has accelerated. This may be the reason why the textile industry A necessary stage of adjustment. Recently, Zhejiang has taken the first shot to promote the high-quality development of the textile industry, clarifying a number of measures to benefit the textile and apparel industry for steady progress and high-quality development. Wujiang, Suzhou has also put forward higher requirements for green development. Textile and apparel Industry enterprises must seize a new round of development opportunities based on their own actual conditions.

Favorable policies have been introduced in various places

Textile enterprises seize new opportunities for development

Entering the “14th Five-Year Plan”, the textile industry has further established a new image in the process of transformation and upgrading, and the healthy development of the industry has received further attention from the country and society. After the Spring Festival, relevant policies and plans have been introduced across the country, clarifying a number of measures that will benefit the textile and apparel industry for steady progress and high-quality development. Textile and apparel industry enterprises must combine their own actual conditions and seize the new opportunity. development opportunities.


Issue implementation opinions to promote high-quality development of the textile industry

The Department of Economy and Information Technology of Zhejiang Province recently issued the “Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Textile Industry in Zhejiang Province.”

The “Opinions” propose that by 2025, enterprises above designated size in the textile industry in Zhejiang Province will achieve operating income of more than 1.2 trillion yuan, and the domestic leading position in key fields such as chemical fiber, printing and dyeing, and clothing will be further consolidated, and traditional advantageous industries such as high-end wool (velvet) and silk will Continuously improve quality and efficiency, achieve breakthroughs and leadership in strategic emerging industries such as industrial textiles, and further strengthen its leading edge in the global textile industry network. We strive to build Zhejiang into an advanced manufacturing base for the textile industry to output the results of digital transformation, and promote common prosperity and It is a leading demonstration place for high-quality employment, a resource gathering place that brings together high-end elements of the global textile industry, a source of innovation that leads the domestic textile industry to deeply participate in international competition, and a gathering place for brands with the right to speak in fashion.


Introduced 28 measures to consolidate the positive momentum of recovery

Recently, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region issued the “Policies and Measures on Consolidating the Upward Momentum and Revitalizing the Industrial Economy”, which includes consolidating the foundation for good growth of the industrial economy, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and strengthening the stable development of key industries. 28 measures in seven aspects, including promoting the coordinated development of regional industrial economy, cultivating and strengthening high-quality enterprises, optimizing the enterprise development environment, and safeguarding measures. This policy measure will be implemented from January 1, 2023 and will be valid for one year.

The “Measures” clearly encourage industrial enterprises to increase production scheduling in 2023 on the premise of maintaining the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control and safe production. For manufacturing companies ranked among the top 500 companies in the region by output value and leading industrial companies recognized by the Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department, the total industrial output value in the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2023 will exceed 200 million yuan and a cumulative growth rate of not less than 12%; for specialized, new “little giant” enterprises and individual champion enterprises recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in the first, second, third and fourth quarter of 2023 If the total industrial output value in the quarter exceeds 50 million yuan and the cumulative growth rate is not less than 12%, rewards will be awarded at a rate of no more than 1% of the year-on-year increase in output value in the quarter. The maximum reward for each enterprise for the whole year shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

In addition, industrial enterprises are encouraged to expand exports through China-Europe trains, and manufacturing enterprises above designated size that export through China-Europe trains will be given certain subsidies based on the total industrial output value and growth rate in 2023, up to a maximum of 2 million yuan.


Industrial cluster revenue is expected to exceed 3.5 trillion yuan

In recent years, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology has insisted on taking industrial clusters as the core driving force of industrial development, deeply implemented the strategy of strengthening the province through industry, vigorously implemented the industrial cluster capacity improvement and upgrading plan, and promoted all parts of the province to pool resources and leverage their strengths to promote the first place. Industries and leading industries will accelerate their growth, and each district and city will be guided to focus on cultivating 2-3 industrial clusters, and each county and city will focus on developing 1-2 industrial clusters.

At the same time, we will focus on the goal of cultivating industrial clusters, innovate policies and measures, improve governance mechanisms, accelerate the establishment of national, provincial, and municipal industrial cluster development echelons, and build an industrial cluster system with optimized layout, structural coordination, complete chains, and strong competitiveness. Cut��At present, the province has cultivated a total of 124 provincial-level (including cultivated and characteristic) industrial clusters. It is expected that the operating income of provincial-level industrial clusters will exceed 3.5 trillion yuan in 2022.


Convene a high-quality development conference to fully promote investment implementation

On the first working day of the Year of the Rabbit, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held a province-wide high-quality development conference. This is the first meeting held by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government in the new year of 2023. It is also the largest meeting held in Guangdong Province in recent years.

This conference focuses on focusing on the construction of key projects and major platforms, and fully promotes the implementation of effective investment; based on the real economy, insisting on the leadership of the manufacturing industry, and striving to build a strong manufacturing province; accelerating the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy , achieve self-reliance and self-reliance with high-level science and technology; deeply implement the “High-Quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages” to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and solve the problem of unbalanced development between urban and rural areas; give full play to the role of financial “living water” to empower the high-quality development of the real economy ; Adhere to the “five external linkages” and continuously create a new pattern of opening to the outside world; deepen the reform of decentralization, regulation and service, and strive to create a first-class business environment; promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate industry and other topics to conduct discussions, advance step by step with high-quality development, and explore China Guangdong’s path to modernization.


“No. 1 Document” sparks heated discussion

Recently, Jiangsu Province’s 2023 “No. 1 Document” has been widely circulated on the Internet. The Jiangsu Provincial Government issued “Several Policies and Measures to Promote the First Overall Improvement of Economic Operations”, which includes many pragmatic measures to improve social psychological expectations and boost development confidence.

The “No. 1 Document” points out that it is necessary to continue to increase fiscal and taxation support. From January 1 to December 31, 2023, for small-scale value-added tax taxpayers with monthly sales of less than 100,000 yuan (inclusive) Exempt from VAT.

The “No. 1 Document” shows that Jiangsu Province has allocated 1.2 billion yuan in special funds for the transformation and upgrading of the industrial and information industries to support industrial enterprises in carrying out projects such as free diagnosis, high-end transformation and upgrading, intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet benchmark demonstrations and integrated application innovation, and promote Small and medium-sized enterprises use cloud platforms to accelerate the intelligent transformation and digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. Arrange 950 million yuan in provincial special funds for the development of strategic emerging industries, and support the development of integrated clusters of strategic emerging industries through a combination of fixed subsidies and allocation-to-investment based on the industrial system determined by the province’s “14th Five-Year Plan” strategic emerging industries development plan. .

It is worth noting that the “No. 1 Document” pointed out that it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the regional equity market and the green channel review mechanism of the National Equities Exchange and Quotations, and the direct linkage mechanism between the National Equities Exchange and Quotations and the Beijing Stock Exchange. Support qualified companies “Specialized, specialized and innovative” enterprises are listed and listed.

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Author: clsrich
