Flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric_Cotton flame retardant fabric_Flame retardant fabric information platform Flame-retardant Fabric News The maximum price increase is 10,000 yuan/ton! From now on, major printing and dyeing clusters have begun to organize and adjust dyeing fees online!

The maximum price increase is 10,000 yuan/ton! From now on, major printing and dyeing clusters have begun to organize and adjust dyeing fees online!

At present, due to the rising prices of dyeing chemicals, steam, electricity and other energy, labor wages rising year by year, and increasing investment in environmental protectio…

At present, due to the rising prices of dyeing chemicals, steam, electricity and other energy, labor wages rising year by year, and increasing investment in environmental protection and safety, printing and dyeing enterprises have been unable to maintain low-profit operations, and many departments have begun to jointly increase prices! The maximum price increase is 10,000 yuan/ton, and the price of some summer products (ice silk, etc.) is as high as 9,000 yuan/ton.

In addition, a printing and dyeing company in Shantou issued a dyeing fee adjustment notice on February 14th, deciding that starting from February 15th, new orders will be adjusted in price, specifically: the processing fee for all fabric types will be increased by 500 yuan/ton; functional auxiliary products and The processing fee for oily cloth will be increased by 1,000 yuan/ton on this basis.

It is understood that the reason for this adjustment in dyeing fees is that steam costs have continued to rise in recent years, which has led to increased production costs and forced an adjustment in processing fees. At the same time, we hope customers will understand and support us!

It has been reported before that due to the increase in the prices of raw materials such as water, electricity, gas, dyeing chemicals, auxiliaries, and labor, the production costs of many printing and dyeing companies have increased, bringing unadjustable operating pressure to the company. Dyeing factories have recently made adjustments to their dyeing fees.

In addition to the increase in dyeing fees for printing and dyeing companies in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the Fujian Changle Printing and Dyeing Industry Association also issued a notice on the increase in dyeing fees. Because many printing and dyeing companies in Fujian have been losing money, this increase in dyeing fees will alleviate the huge cost pressure faced by local printing and dyeing companies!

Finally, I also hope that these printing and dyeing factories can get out of the woods as soon as possible and resume normal production and operations!

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Author: clsrich
