Loan 560 million to build a factory in Southeast Asia!

On February 3, Hong Kong Jiahe International Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yuqi International, a major Taiwanese manufacturing company, initiated the construction of a fa…

On February 3, Hong Kong Jiahe International Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yuqi International, a major Taiwanese manufacturing company, initiated the construction of a factory in IndonesiaUSD 83 million (approximately 560 million yuan)The joint loan project was coordinated and sponsored by Taipei Fubon Bank, and co-sponsored by First Bank and Yushan Bank, and the signing was officially completed.

Bei Fuyin stated that the funds from the joint loan will be used to support Yuqi International’s expected expenses related to setting up a factory in West Java, Indonesia. In recent years, in order to reduce costs and control geographical risks, global industries have gradually shifted their production focus to Southeast Asia, which has also driven the rapid economic growth of ASEAN countries.
According to statistics from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the average GDP in Southeast Asia will be as high as 5.5% in 2022. Among them, Indonesia, as the largest economy in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and with a relatively abundant labor force, has also become the focus of global investment in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Founded in 1995, Yuqi International is a world-renowned manufacturer of functional shoes and sports products with more than 50 international brand customers.

Yuqi International has grown rapidly from Yunlin Douliu to a large multinational enterprise. Its operating bases cover mainland China, Vietnam, Cambodia and other places. It occupies a place in the professional waterproof and breathable outdoor field with high technical content, and most of its factories have passed High-standard Gore-Tex certification, production quality and technology are deeply recognized by international brands, so it is the most trusted partner of well-known European and American brands.

Yuqi International’s revenue last year reached NT$24.181 billion, an increase of NT$8.637 billion from NT$15.544 billion in 2021, with an annual growth rate of 55.56%, setting a new record for full-year revenue. </span

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Author: clsrich
